The Truth Revealed
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You may be surprised or shocked at what you find on this website.
All your life you may have believed that you knew the truth, or that your church pastors / friends or family had told you the truth, but what you’ll find out is that everything is not as you thought.
When you look back at the story of creation in the book of Genesis in the Bible you’ll see that God placed two special trees in the Garden of Eden.
One – the Tree of Life
Two – the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
They were BOTH placed there as a test.
God goes on to say in Deuteronomy 13 that (false) prophets and certain dreamers of dreams are there to test you.
“Yahweh your God is testing you to know if you love Yahweh your God with all your heart and all your soul” Deut 13:4
So have you looked lately INSIDE your Bible to see where you are being tested?
Who’s Words do you believe are the Word of God in the Bible?
All of it or some of it – with other words put in there to test you?
For one – there are many corruptions of scripture that have been placed there by “lying scribes” (Jer 8:8) and you’ll also notice that Jesus (Yeshua) chose only 12 apostles. Yet most of the church today seems to be following apostle 13, namely Paul. Didn’t Jesus (Yeshua) warn us about the leaven of the Pharisees? And yet Paul, who called himself an apostle, near the end of his ministry states that he is a Pharisee and moreover the son of a Pharisee (Acts 23:6).
Who did Jesus (Yeshua) talk about when he commended the church at Ephesus (in Asia), for testing people who said they were apostles yet were liars? (Rev 2:2)
When last did you compare Paul’s words to those of Jesus (Yeshua) and/or to those of the rest of the Bible?
Remember that Jesus (Yeshua) chose 12 apostles and yet He stated that one of them was a devil (John 6:70). So God can just as well choose somebody for a purpose yet that person is not one of His. Well here at TruthSeekers we search out the truth in these last days. An extensive number of articles are provided as well as a forum, to discuss matters of truth with others.
You can either choose to remain ignorant or choose to learn the truth. Read your Bible and seek the true God for light on the matter. You may find that what you’ll learn will answer many questions you had concerning your church or Bible and a lot else too!
Browse the articles and forum. You may register as a member (for free) in order to post on the forum and post your own blogs.
This is your invitation to discover the truth as it is being revealed right now.
“you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free” John 8:31